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Wisdom House, located 5 minutes from Masiphumelele in the community of Fish Hoek, South Africa, is a place of training the most disenfranchised people of Masiphumelele to live “outside of poverty” by seeking God’s wisdom for their lives in practical ways. We bring the opportunity for intentional relationship building through Bible Studies, computer classes, parenting classes, mentoring in life-skills, job interview and job search skills, clubs for boys, girls and teens, and many other practical skills all bathed in the love of Jesus!




The Biblical mandate for Wisdom House is Proverbs 8 and 9:1-10, with emphasis on verse 10. 


“The fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom and the knowledge of the Holy One is insight”. 

7 Pillars of Wisdom House

James 3:17 is our reference for the values of Wisdom House

Wisdom that is from above is first Pure

Transparency and honesty is foundational to change. It is also essential to building good
relationship with others, God and ourselves. We value a pure heart.

Then Peaceful – Shalom (wholeness)

Wholeness is the point. Complete, restored in every way to live out the life that God has intended for each person. At Wisdom House we will endeavor to create a peaceful environment and invite the Prince of Peace to dwell with us because we value Peace.

Gentle – loving, acceptance

Gentleness looks like non-judgmental loving acceptance. It’s not harsh but kind and inclusive. The world has thrown enough harshness at our friends in South Africa. God’s wisdom is gentle.

Reasonable – God’s wisdom makes sense

We will listen with understanding and always be willing to negotiate a better way of accomplishing our goals as long as every idea holds true to our values.

Merciful – patient, kind

 It’s the kindness of the Lord that draws us to repentance. When we repent, we change. God’s mercy gives us the safe place to learn and grow with kindness. At Wisdom House, we value mercy, patience and kindness.

Just – seeking justice, fair

The world is not a fair place and many of those we will be serving have been treated unjustly in the most unthinkable ways. We at Wisdom House will do our best to be fair and to bring a sense of justice to a very harsh and unjust world.

​Sincere – Authenticity and sincerity is highly valued at Wisdom House

We believe a person must be allowed to be who they are, faults and all in order to recognize, change and grow. We will encourage sincerity in all our staff, volunteers and clients.

"God is really BIG"
CLICK below for Odwa's Story
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